Where Are We? - May 2024

Monthly Update


Ezra Payne

5/26/20241 min read


Whilst refining pieces of the second novel, I’ve been writing snippets of the third to keep it varied. I’ve also commissioned the map for book two to get that part of the world locked in. We’ve also outlined chapters for a novella prequel to Blood Reign that may be the focus for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Gotta keep the momentum up!



I’ve finally picked up Red Rising by Pierce Brown, a dystopian sci-fi set on a habitable Mars. Still in the first half of the book but so far, it speeds along at a decent pace. The world and its rules are both expansive and fairly easy to follow for the purpose of the story. This one might live up to the hype.

Late to the party, but I’ve also given Monster Hunter Rise a try (after World was so good). The defeat of flagship monster after about 10hrs was the point where the credits rolled and seemed to conclude the tutorial before unlocking the rest of the game. Very enjoyable.


Art of the Season - Winter 2023

This season, we have an illustration of Noxillis by Collin Ha. I do enjoy seeing depictions of her in all forms and the more confident pose we have here is no exception.

You can follow Collin’s work on his Instagram, @collinh_art