Where Are We? - July 2024
Monthly Update
Ezra Payne
7/28/20241 min read
I’ve been revising the opening for second novel this month to a point where I’m happy with it. There’s a lingering fear that the first novel will eclipse the sequel in terms of quality but I’ve been told to push those thoughts aside. Still, maybe it’s fine to have favourites but I’ll be working on this until I’m proud of it.
Continuing on the Dark Souls trilogy, I’m working through the third entry which is shaping up to be my favourite of the three. Difficult without being frustrating (unlike the second).
I’ve taken a month off from reading to focus on writing but the library of books in the TBR pile continues to grow. Starting to see why people end up with hundreds of books they want to read. I’ll have get that down… (and so it begins)
Question of the Month
Do you have any personal rules when it comes to storytelling?
TTFS. “Tell The F***ing Story.” Correct or not, my approach to story telling is to present as little fat (empty exposition) as possible. I’ve read chapters in books that don't seem connected to the rest of the story, leaving me a bit puzzled as to why it was there, or even if it is connected but felt unnecessary. Maybe it sets groundwork for subsequent books but that’s a little early for me. People have different preferences for both the reading and writing side of things but if a chapter (or person) can be removed without breaking the story or drastically deceasing character development, I’ll axe it.
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Artwork by MiraSand