Where Are We? - February 2024
Monthly Update
Ezra Payne
2/25/20242 min read

The most nerve-racking thing about writing, I’ve decided, is the month before launch—the month where the novel is ready and up for preorder, but the release date hasn’t arrived, the early reviewers are yet to give their thoughts on it, and you have no idea what the reception will be once its in the hands of the general public. Feels like sending a child to school on their first day. Will they make friends? Will they get bullied? Who knows!
Best thing I did to alleviate those fears, was to read it again a week before launch. I still love the story. Is it the greatest work of fiction ever created? Probably not. But even after so many re-reads, I still love the story and I’m happy to see the completion of a years-long project.
A few (5-star) ratings are already up on Goodreads and more ARC reviews will be dropping next week, including an interview that I’ll be sure to share.
Thoroughly enjoyed the mini launch party attended by friends, family and workmates too. I’m glad they coaxed me into doing it.
If you’re interested in getting a copy of the book, links can be found here:
With Blood Reign completed and released, I’ll be back on sharpening the second book, with a view to completing the second draft before the year is out. No rest for the wicked!
As if it was planned, Dune Part 2 releases a week after Blood Reign, and since it shares the desert aesthetic (and the first Part was an objectively good film with dense world building), I’ll be all over that on day one.
If that wasn’t enough, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is out on 26th which I’ll be diving into next week for a celebratory break. It’s a great month for fantasy and sci-fi fans!
Not to neglect my reading, I’m on Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. I skipped the TV series so I have the treat of walking in blind here. So far, it’s a great bit of humour and comically irreverent.
Art of the Season - Winter 2023
So for a bit of fun, I thought I’d commission an artist each season to pick a character they like the sound of and give their spin on them.
This season, we have zura.hell’s take on Saah’desh, opting for stylised fiery markings and burning eyes. I’ve been following his Instagram for a while so I’m made up to have his take on one of my favourite characters!
You can view more on his Instagram, @zura.hell
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Copyright © Ezra Payne 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Artwork by MiraSand