Where Are We? - April 2024

Monthly Update


Ezra Payne

4/28/20241 min read


The plan to have the second draft completed before the end of the year is still on. Some sections might need to be rewritten to boost the prose and tweak the story but that’s the nature of the process. I’ve commissioned some art to keep my inspiration up. Look forward to that.



Most of this month’s writing time has instead been spent doing ‘homework’ in the form of reading other fantasy novels: Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree, a wholesome fantasy novel about an orc setting up a cafe, and The Justice of Kings by Richard Swan, a grounded fantasy novel surrounding a semi-magical knight and his clerk solving a murder. I enjoyed them both equally for different reasons but I’ll be switching to sci-fi next and giving Red Rising by Pierce Brown a read.

I’ve also rediscovered Mario Kart 8 and will be giving the new tracks a go between writing sprints.


Question of the Month

How many books are in the Hateful Tales series?

The plan is for five main entries and an undetermined number of novellas orbiting the world, the first of which I’m aiming to tackle for the annual NaNoWriMo writing challenge in November. 50k words in 30 days is an unnaturally fast clock to put on anyone but even if you write something, editing a story from there will be much easier. I’d like to say it’ll be fun. I’ll be taking time off work to do it, I know that much.